🧑‍💼 What are Profiles?

🧑‍💼 What are Profiles?

Whenever a face is detected on an IP camera or Doorkeeper kiosk, it is analysed by the Rapid Global AI to assess its quality and provide a verdict on whether it matches a Profile in the database.

Every Profile has a Name (or another identifier), Metadata (such as email address and phone number), and a Gallery of Faces used to recognise the individual across cameras and kiosks. Profiles also include a Calendar with attendance details and check-in information. Depending on the entry requirements defined onsite, profiles can also include Documents and Files submitted, and Temperature information.

A profile can have as much useful information as you like, which can be visible to an operator using the Rapid Global applications.  Conversely, profiles can remain completely anonymous, including only a gallery of faces to perform facial recognition.


Profile Components

Face-images of an individual that train the Rapid Global AI to recognise that person every time they are seen on a paired camera or Doorkeeper kiosk.

Profiles have one faces designated cover image, represented by a ⭐️, that is used to illustrate this person's activity across all sections of the applications.

Good quality profiles are paramount for facial recognition to work accurately Learn more here.


Aware represents profiles by displaying an identifier that can be the person's name, an internal ID, or none at all - in which case, events will appear as Unnamed.


Administrators and integrations can disable profiles now. 

Disabled profiles will have a red "Disabled" tag under the Identifier. Enabled profiles will not show a tag.

Compliance Widget

When Aware is integrated with workforce management software such as Rapid Global or LinkSafe, a compliance widget will highlight whether the person is compliant to access the site, as defined in the respective platform.

If a non-compliant person is seen by a kiosk of a camera, they will be stopped, logging an Issue in Aware.


Surveys and inductions submitted as entry requirements (based on access rules) can also be found attached to the profile.

Under each survey you will find:
  1. The date it was submitted
  2. Date it is due to expire (if an expiration has been defined)
  3. Status of the survey (Needs Review, Approved, Rejected, Expired)


Documents submitted as entry requirements can also be found attached to the profile.

Under each document upload you will find:
  1. The date it was submitted
  2. Date it is due to expire  (if an expiration has been defined)
  3. Status of the document  (Needs Review, Approved, Rejected, Expired)


Additional information about an individual.

  • Onboarding information, submitted by the individual during a pre-registration or onsite onboarding, such as their phone number and email, address and company information.

  • Smart metadata, calculated programmatically by Rapid Global and cannot be edited, such as: Last Seen, Profile ID and Baseline Temperature

  • Custom metadata, that can be manually filled or updated using APIs.

  • Labelsa special kind of metadata that groups profiles for entry rules, alarms and reports.

Integrations Widget

Some integrations, like Rapid Global, Employment Hero or MYOB can be the source of truth for profiles in your system. When enabled, profiles are synced from these integrations based on defined settings.

These synced profiles will display an Integration Widget showing a Linked tag and the corresponding ID from the system they were synced from (for easier cross-referencing).

Calendar View

Every Aware profile displays a monthly and weekly calendar view that highlights:

  • Days with and without activity

  • First time and last time seen

  • Time and result of check-in

The calendar can be navigated across weeks/months.

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