Courses & inductions
How to create a new trainee document
New trainee documents can be created by administrators with ‘Document Builder’ permissions Creating trainee documents Select "Induct" from the below options: Open DVqZxN7IIu.png Select “Document Builder”: Open GnR46vGj0U.png Select “Add new ...
How to replace course content
If your course content needs updating, you will be able to edit or replace any existing pages. Replacing course content. Select the “Courses” tab. Search the course via the “Course Name” filter and select your course. Select the Module and page you ...
How to preview a course
Should you wish to preview the content of a course from the perspective of the trainee, please refer to the instructions below. Previewing a course Select the “Courses” tab > search the course via the “Course Name” filter > select the "?" magnifying ...
How to move pages in a course
When editing & updating your course content, you may wish to move pages. The following instructions will demonstrate how to move the pages within your course. Moving pages in a course Select the “Courses” tab from the top of the page: Use the “Course ...
How to delete a course
Deactivating a course Select the “Courses” tab > search the course via the “Course Name” filter: Select the rubbish bin labeled “Deactivate” to deactivate this course: Please note: Once a course has been deactivated, it cannot be reactivated.
How to deactivate a course
Deactivating a course Select the “Courses” tab > search the course via the “Course Name” filter: Select the rubbish bin labeled “Deactivate” to deactivate this course: Please note: Once a course has been deactivated, it cannot be reactivated.
How to create a course from file
Creating a course from a file Select the “Courses” tab from the top of the page: Select “Create New Course” from the right of the page: Change the 'Course type' to “Induction Course” and change 'Create course from file' from “No” to “Yes” and proceed ...
How to create a course
Creating a new course Select the “Courses” tab from the top of the page: Select “Create New Course” from the right of the page: Change the 'Course type' to “Induction Course” and name your course: Click “Create Induction Course” once your file has ...
How to copy a course
Copying a course Select the “Courses” tab > search the course via the “Course Name” filter: Select “Copy” from the right of the course name: Once the course has been copied, you will be able to click in to the copied course and view/edit as required:
How to complete a course as an administrator
If you are an administrator who is also required to complete induction courses, please follow the steps provided below: Completing your course You will need to head back to the MyRapid dashboard which may be located on another tab: Once on your ...
How to change a page template
Changing a page template Select the “Courses” tab > search the course via the “Course Name” filter: Click on the course name to bring up the course builder: Locate the module which contains the current page: Select the page with the content : Select ...
How to bulk move pages in a course
When revising and updating your course content, you might find it necessary to relocate pages. If you need to move multiple pages within or across modules, the following guidelines will illustrate how to efficiently perform bulk moves, saving you ...
How to add questions to courses
Adding questions to a course Select the “Courses” tab > search the course via the “Course Name” filter: Click on the course name to bring up the course builder: Locate the module which should contain the question: To add a question which is linked to ...
How do I delete a question or page in a course
Deleting pages and questions in a course Select the “Courses” tab from the top of the page: Use the “Course Name” field to search for the course you wish to make changes to: Once you are in the course editor, dropdown the module you wish to move ...
Course status
Pending = The course has been issued to the inductee, however, it has not yet been attempted. Competent = The inductee has completed this course and it up to date with the course. Expired = The course or active period has expired and requires to be ...
Courses in Rapid
Rapid Global offers the option for customised courses to be created. If you would like to view your company’s course library or create your own course, please click on the “Courses” tab located at the top of the page: If you are trying to view a ...
Can I transfer pages between courses
You are able to copy pages from one course to another within the course builder, this is done through your course library. Transferring pages between courses Select the “Courses” tab > search the course via the “Course Name” filter: Click on a course ...
SCORM Requirements
Publish as SCORM 2004 or SCORM 1.2 (2004 is preferred) Make sure to set the score (cmi.score.scaled or SCORM 1.2 equivalent) Make sure to set the course status (cmi.success_status / cmi.completion_status or SCORM 1.2 equivalent) Make sure to call ...
Can I transfer pages between courses
You are able to copy pages from one course to another within the course builder, this is done through your course library. Transferring pages between courses Select the “Courses” tab > search the course via the “Course Name” filter: Click on a course ...
How do I get access to the Rapid Global standard courses?
The standard courses offered by Rapid Global will require activation by our team at Rapid. Please email our support team at to request activation of these courses.
What standard courses does Rapid Global offer?
Australia Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace Code of Conduct Contractor Safety Induction Drug & Alcohol Awareness Electronic Communication and Social Media Fire Safety Awareness Hazard Management Privacy of Information Safe Manual Handling Safety ...