🔗 Slack Integration for Alerts

🔗 Slack Integration for Alerts

Nirovision lets you integrate with Slack, by allowing you to specify a channel from your Slack workspace to receive notifications from any alarms.

⚠️ Please be aware ⚠️ Anyone who has access to this Slack channel will be able to view all the relevant activity posted there. You should exercise caution to ensure that only people who you wish to be able to see these alerts are given access to channels that you nominate as a Nirovision alarm destination.

Before you start

  • Ensure you have Administrator rights in Nirovision and that you are the Owner of your Slack account, as only owners can activate integrations.

Connect your Slack account to your Nirovision account

  1. Navigate to the web app on a desktop computer, then go to Settings > API & Integrations > Integrations > Slack.

  2. Click the Add Slack button.

  3. At this point, you may be prompted to log into your Slack account.

  4. Once logged in, you will be asked to grant Nirovision permission to access your workspace. Click Allow.

    Note: Slack will provide a message indicating that this app hasn't been reviewed or approved by Slack. This is because the Nirovision Slack integration is provided to our customers directly, and we do not use the Slack public app directory service. The integration is safe to use, but if you have any questions, please review Slack's link or contact us.

  5. Nirovision will show a message confirming the integration was successfully established.

    Note: If required, the integration can be removed by visiting the settings and clicking the Remove button.

Configure alarms to post alerts to a Slack channel

Once you have connected your Nirovision to your Slack workspace, you can now choose a Slack channel as an alarm destination.

  1. Go to the Nirovision Web App 🖥, then go to Settings > Alarms.

  2. Select an existing alarm, or, create a new one.

  3. At the bottom of the settings, you should see a section titled Slack, enter the channel you would like notifications posted to. (Please ensure that the channel name entered matches an existing active channel in your Slack workspace.)

  4. Click Save.

  5. You should now be able to receive any alerts that this alarm generates to the nominated Slack channel.

    Note: We recommend that you generate a test alert to validate that the integration is working as expected.

Receive alerts that include images

Nirovision will post a message to the nominated Slack channel, which will include a link to the web app on a desktop computer which any registered Nirovision user will be able to follow and review the footage.

This alone can be useful in many contexts. If you would like Nirovision to post an image to Slack, there is one additional (optional) step to complete.

  1. In your Slack workspace, visit the destination channel for which you would like to receive notifications and images.

  2. Post a message @Nirovision. This will prompt you to add the Nirovision bot. Click Add to Channel.

    You should receive a confirmation that the Nirovision Bot was added successfully.

  3. Any future alerts posted to this Slack channel should now include a reply which contains an image from the event that triggered the alarm and notification.

Stop receiving images only

If at any time, you wish to stop receiving images (but continue to receive alerts), you can simply remove the Nirovision bot from the relevant Slack channel.

  1. In your Slack workspace, visit the destination channel for which you would like to stop receiving images.

  2. Post a message /kick @Nirovision. This will prompt you to remove the Nirovision bot. Click Remove.

  3. Any future alerts posted to this Slack channel should no longer include a reply which contains an image.

When the Nirovision app is added to the selected Slack channel to receive notifications, you will receive a message from Nirovision on Slack with a thumbnail included in the thread as shown below.

Stop receiving notifications from alarms

If you wish to stop receiving notifications from specific alarms:

  1. Go to the Nirovision Web App 🖥, then go to Settings > Alarms.

  2. Select an existing alarm which is generating alerts, and either remove the slack channel from the config, or delete the alarm all-together.

Removing the Nirovision Slack Integration

If you want to disable and remove the Nirovision Slack integration entirely, you can take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the web app on a desktop computer, then go to Settings > API & Integrations > Integrations > Slack

  2. Edit the integration settings and choose Remove.

  3. On Slack, you can now remove the Nirovision Slack Application by following these instructions.

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