- Publish as SCORM 2004 or SCORM 1.2 (2004 is preferred)
- Make sure to set the score (cmi.score.scaled or SCORM 1.2 equivalent)
- Make sure to set the course status (cmi.success_status / cmi.completion_status or SCORM 1.2 equivalent)
- Make sure to call Commit on the last page and give plenty of time for that to be saved to the server before the window is closed
- Have a page at the end with an exit button that will call terminate and close the window if it was opened as a popup. A message explaining to the user that they will have to also complete the Rapid course is also useful.
- File names in the content folder should not have special characters. Avoid special characters like (+, &, %) - and _ are fine.
- Success is not guaranteed when a mobile phone or tablet browser is used.
IMPORTANT: Ensure the file name has no brackets in it as it will upload and give an error message when you try to preview.