🔍 Run a Spot Check

🔍 Run a Spot Check

With spot checks, you can simply point your phone at someone, in order to check their registration status and check the person in or out there and then.

How to run Spot Checks

  1. On the iOS app 📱, navigate to 👤. Click on the icon highlighted below located on the top right corner of the screen to launch the Spot Check tool.

  2. Swap between your phone's front and back cameras, and point at the person you want to spot-check. The app will guide you if they are not close enough.

  3. Results will be overlaid immediately if there is a match to a profile in Aware, creating a record at the bottom of the screen. A ❗️ appears if there is something pending.

  4. Tap on Spot Check result to display actions:
    1. Check someone in or out, via an Admin override.
    2. Manually enter a BAC or temperature value if any have been performed on the spot.

  5. Alternatively, tap on the QR symbol to load Doorkeeper Lite and allow the person to check themselves in.

  6. When done with the tool, click on the ❌ to close it.

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