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What is an induction key?
An Induction Key is an alphanumeric code beginning with “PE” used as a unique code for workers to complete their courses, upload documents, or complete forms. Induction Keys are usually sent via email.
How to deactivate a trainee / worker in Rapid Induct
If a trainee is no longer completing work for your business, you have the ability to deactivate their induction key within Rapid Induct. This means their profile will sit in a deactivated status for historical purposes and can be reactivated at any ...
Can I use the same email address when issuing induction keys for multiple people?
We take security seriously! Although this means your data is much safer, in some cases, additional security measures must be implemented to secure your account. For this reason, each person completing an induction must have a MyRapid account linked ...
Why is an inductee showing as an unused induction key
If the status of a worker's induction key is displayed as 'Unused', it indicates that the key has been assigned to them, but they have not yet linked it to their MyRapid account. They will now need to add their induction key to their MyRapid account.
How to delete induction keys
Induction keys can be deleted if they are under a “Not Used” status. This means the key has not been linked to a MyRapid account, courses have not been completed and no documents have been uploaded. Please follow the below instructions to delete ...