In order to get the best out of your Inner Range Inception device, there are several components that need to be properly configured. This guide will walk you through the steps necessary to get your Inception system up.
You can access Inception's web UI locally using its IP address or remotely via SkyTunnel, if it's configured.
API Documentation
You can find API Documentation directly on your Inception device.
Please replace 'serial' with a valid online device:
Hardware Configuration
- Navigate to Configuration > Hardware and double-click to edit the Inception controller item.
- Make sure you have at least one reader configured under 'READER' and linked to an output/door.
Credential Template
To create a relevant Credential Template, navigate to Configuration > Access Control > Credential Templates and create a new template.
Make sure that the 'Credential Type' is designated as 'Biometric - Face Recognition' and the 'Template Type', is configured as 'Raw (Direct Entry)'.
Creating the API User
- To enable the API, you will need an API user. Navigate to Configuration > Users > Manage Users.
- Choose an existing user or create a new user, which could be labelled as 'API User', 'Aware API', etc.
- You need to enable "Enable Web Login" for the API to function correctly.
- Set the API Token. It can be found in the 'Credentials' or 'Remote / Web Access' section.
- Make sure this user has complete access to list resources and control doors. Otherwise, the integration might not function correctly.