How to create your MyRapid account

How to create your MyRapid account

The instructions below outline how new Rapid users may create their MyRapid account. 

Before you start

  1. To create a new MyRapid account, you must be issued with an Induction Key. 
  2. This is an alphanumeric sequence beginning with 'PE' and serves as your unique identifier. It is sent to you via email. 
  3. If you are not prompted to enter an Induction Key, and are instead asked for a password, this means you already have a MyRapid account. In this case, please proceed to enter or reset your password. 

Creating your account

  1. Visit the MyRapid login page to login to your account.
  2. Enter your email address or mobile number and select "Log in":

Please Note: This must be your own email address or mobile number.

  1. Enter the Induction Key you have been issued as well as your surname and select "Next":

  1. You will now be prompted to enter additional details such as your first name. Please note, however, that the Mobile Number field is optional if you have previously entered your email address.
  2. Following this, create your MyRapid password, ensuring it adheres to the following requirements:
    - Includes at least one capital letter
    - Includes at least one lowercase letter
    - Includes at least one number
    - Includes at least one special character (e.g. !)
    - Includes no sequential numbers (e.g. 123)
    - Includes no related words in immediate succession (e.g. 'arm' 'chair')
  3. Once you have filled the mandatory fields, select "Create account":

  1. Next, a verification code will be sent to your inbox. Please locate this, enter the code, and select "Verify":

Please note: should the code not be received within 10 minutes, please check your Junk / Spam folder(s) and the spelling of your email address. Alternatively, select "Generate new code": You will then be brought back to the initial login screen.

  1. Enter your chosen contact detail and password to login to your MyRapid account. 

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