How to add an induction key to an existing MyRapid account as a contracting company administrator

How to add an induction key to an existing MyRapid account as a contracting company administrator

If you are your contracting company administrator and have issued yourself an induction key, you may not yet see the ‘Trainee/Worker' option on your MyRapid account. Once you successfully add your induction key to your account, you will then have the option to access your trainee portal to complete your inductions.

Please see the instructions below if you are a contracting company administrator / B2B user needing to add an induction key to your existing MyRapid account.

Before you start

Ensure you have your Induction Key ready. This is an alphanumeric sequence beginning with 'PE' and serves as your unique identifier. It is sent to you via email. 

Getting Signed in

  1. Visit the MyRapid login page to login to your account.
  2. Enter the email address or mobile linked to your MyRapid account and select "Login".
  3. Enter the password previously created. Should you have forgotten this, select "Forgot/reset password".

Adding your induction key

  1. You may only have the option of signing into B2B. If this is the case, please select "Contracting Company Administrator / B2B" upon logging in:

  1. Select "Add an induction key" and follow the prompts to link the key:

  1. You will be prompted to "Enter Induction Key" and "Enter Last Name":

  1. The Induction Key will then appear on your screen. 

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