How do I send a document request to a trainee

How do I send a document request to a trainee

Trainee Requirements will automatically prompt all mandatory courses and documents according to the trainee’s personnel type & location. However, you also have the option to manually request a document from an individual trainee within their profile. 

Requesting a document from a trainee

  1. Select "Induct" from the below options:

  1. Locate the trainee by searching their name in the "Trainee Details" field > click on the trainee’s name to open their profile:

  1. Select the "Documents" tab within the trainee’s profile > select “+ Send A Request”:

  1. This will display a list of documents available to request > use the tick box to select the document you wish to request & choose “Send Notification” if you wish to notify the trainee > select “Send” to send the document request:

  1. If you have chosen to notify the trainee, preview the email that is being sent to the trainee and select “Send”:

Once the notification has been sent, the document will display as “Pending” against the trainee profile.

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