How do I complete my induction?

How do I complete my induction?

If you have recently created your induction key for your relevant client company, you can add it to your account by following the below steps:

  1. Select "Add an induction key" on the below page and follow the prompts to link the key:

  1. You will be prompted to "Enter Induction Key" and "Enter Last Name":

  1. The Induction Key will then appear on your screen and you will now have the added option once logged in to sign in as a “Trainee/Worker” which will be where your Trainee Portal is.

Otherwise, your induction key may already by added to your account, if this is the case, you will need to head back to the very first page as soon as you login:

Click on “Trainee/Worker” and locate and select your relevant induction key.

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