How do I add employees

How do I add employees

Any of your company’s workers attending the client company’s site must undergo an induction process.

As the contracting company administrator, you will be able to issue a new unique induction key to each of your workers.

Issuing induction keys

  1. Select the relevant client company under "My Client Portals":
    Please note: If you cannot see the company listed you may have logged in with the wrong email/mobile. You need to log in with the alternate email/mobile you previously used to register your account.

  1. Select "Issue a New Induction Key'' on the below dashboard to begin issuing induction keys:

  1. Fill in the worker’s information as required and select "Proceed to Step 2":

  1. Under "Step 2", you may view the courses, documents and/or forms that will be assigned to the worker based on the previously filled information. Select "Issue Induction Key":

The Inductee will receive a separate email advising them of their pending induction. Once this is completed, the Inductee may attend site.

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