How can I resubmit my rejected documents

How can I resubmit my rejected documents

Getting Signed in

  1. Visit the MyRapid login page to login to your account.
  2. Enter the email address or mobile linked to your MyRapid account and select "Login".
  3. Enter the password previously created. Should you have forgotten this, select "Forgot/reset password".

How to resubmit documents as a trainee

Uploading a trainee document

  1. Once you have successfully logged in, select "Trainee / Worker":

  1. Select the relevant Induction Key:

  1. Select "Complete document" from your Dashboard page:

  1. Select the "Upload" icon against the outstanding document, and follow the prompts to submit the file:

Once the document has been submitted, it will enter the verification stage and await the approval of an administrator. 

How to resubmit documents as a contractor administrator

Uploading a company level document

  1. Sign in to "Contracting company administrator / B2B": 

  1. Select the relevant client company under "My Client Portals":
    Please note: If you cannot see the company listed you may have logged in with the wrong email/mobile. You need to log in with the alternate email/mobile you previously used to register your account.

  1. Under 'Action Required', select "Update" against the document that you would like to update:

  1. Fill in the fields as required and select "Save" to submit the document:

The document will now await assessment from an administrator. 

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