📌 Export Check-ins

📌 Export Check-ins

Check-In records, survey answers and files are stored securely in Rapid Global and can be reviewed using our applications.

They can be exported to a .csv file at a moment's notice for record keeping, audits or compliance purposes.

You can export all available check-in data for a period of time, or filter it by:
  1. Location and Devices: You can view check-in data of a set of specific locations or all locations. You can also choose activity from every device connected to a location (Doorkeepers and/or IP cameras) or only a subgroup.
  2. Label or Person: Filters data only relevant to a specific person or a group of people using Labels.
  3. Status: Filters activity recorded of a specific status (Checked In, Checked Out, Pending, Stopped).
  4. Breaks: Filters activity recorded with breaks, or currently on a break.
  5. Check-out: Focuses on check-out activity that were registered automatically (through auto-checkouts) or manually edited.
  6. (optional) Temperature, if you have compatible sensor connected.

You can also select whether to include IDs, custom metadata and survey responses in your export, beyond choosing a start time and end date/times.

Once generated, the .csv file will contain all selected records, chronologically sorted.

Export Check-Ins

  1. On the Aware web app 🖥️, navigate to Activity > People > Check-Ins. Select the time, and use the filters on the left to narrow down your data. You can also export raw data.
  2. Once the Activity page displays exactly what you'd like to export, click on the Export button right above the graph, in the top half of your screen. A window will pop up for you to define some additional parameters on the data you'd like to export.
    1. Choose your preferred Start and End date and time range.
    2. Choose whether to include IDs, survey answers and custom metadata field in your report.
    3. When you're ready, click the Continue button in the bottom right corner of the pop-up. Generating the report may take a few months, but the download should start within 5 seconds.

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