To edit the information in a profile, click on the profile you'd like to edit, then click on the Edit profile button on the top right side of the screen.
A screen will pop up where you can edit pieces of information related to the profile. You can edit the following:
- Name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Address
- Images
- Labels
- Company
- Address
- Status of the profile
- Other custom metadata
Editing images in a profile
Editing images in a profile is usually only recommended when a person that is in your account database was not recognise by the system.
- To add or delete faces in a profile, click on the Faces button in the top right corner to reveal your options:
- Add faces - clicking on Add faces will open up a panel on the right side of the screen showing faces of the profile detected from recorded Activity. Click on the high quality faces to select the faces you would like to add, then click the blue Add faces button to have the selected faces added to the profile.
- Delete faces - clicking on Delete faces will open up a panel on the right side of the screen revealing the faces that have been added to the profile. To delete the faces from the profile, click on the faces and click the red Delete button to remove them from the profile.
- Change cover image - clicking on change cover image will open up a panel on the right side of the screen with faces that have been added to the profile. The image with a gold star ⭐️ underneath indicates that it is currently selected as the cover image. To change the cover image, click on the star beneath the image you would like to use as the cover image, then click the blue Save button to apply the changes.
Editing labels in a profile
- To apply or delete a label in a profile, click on the Edit profile button in the top right corner to reveal a modal, scroll down to the Labels section and click on the ➕ button.
- A list of labels that have been created in Aware will appear.
- To delete a label in a profile: untick the ticked label in the list.
- To apply a label in a profile: tick the desired label in the list.
👉 Learn more about Labels here.
Metadata in Aware can be customised. This information then appears in a profile.
- To edit the metadata in a profile, click on the Edit profile button in the top right corner to reveal a window, scroll down to the Metadata section and you will find all the custom metadata fields that have been created in Aware.
- You can then edit the metadata based on the type of metadata fields created.
- Once all the pieces of information that you would like to change has been edited, make sure to click the blue save button so all changes persist.
❗️ If you leave a metadata input blank, it will not appear in the profile.
Disable a profile
Profiles by default are marked as Active in Aware. Active profiles are able to check-in and be recognised by facial recognition cameras (where applicable). If there is a profile you'd keep the historical records of but not allow them to check-in or be recognised by facial recognition cameras, disabling a profile allows you to do this without the need to delete the profile.
- To disable a profile on the web app, go into the profile you would like to disable.
- Click on the Edit profile button on the top right to open up a modal.
- Scroll down to the Status section and select Disabled to disable the profile.
- Click the blue Save button so that the change persists.
Delete a profile
- To delete a profile on the web app, go into the profile you would like to delete.
- Click on the Edit profile button on the top right to open up a modal.
- Click on the red Delete button on the bottom left of the modal.
- A dialogue will appear to confirm the deletion of the profile. To confirm, tick the box that states "I understand that deleted profiles will no longer be recognised and this action cannot be undone."
- Once the box has been ticked, click on the red Delete button to delete the profile. The deleted profile will be removed from the Aware database and the person will no longer be recognised.
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