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🔔 Disable an Alarm
On the ?️ Web App On the ?️ Web App, go to the top right corner, click on your account name > Settings > Location (select the desired location) > Alarms. Click on the Edit button next to the alarm you would like to disable to access its settings. ...
🔔 Create a Label Alarm
On the Aware mobile? or Web ?️ app, click on the company name in the top right corner and go to Settings > Location (select desired location from drop-down) > Alarms. Click the Add alarm button in the top right-hand corner to create an alarm. Give ...
🔔 Create a Profile Alarm
On the Aware Webapp ?️, click on the company name in the top right corner and go to Settings > Location (select desired location from drop-down > Alarms. Click the Add alarm button in the top right-hand corner to create an alarm. Give your alarm a ...
🔔 Create an Attendance Alarm
Monitoring attendance at your workplace involves making sure people arrive or leave at the desired time. To help with that, we've created an Attendance alarm that notifies you if: No one is checked in at a certain time, to alert about tardiness. At ...
🔔 Create a Check-in Alarm
⚠️ Requires at least one Doorkeeper installed. On the Aware Mobile? or Web ? app, click on the company name in the top right corner and go to Settings > Location (select desired location from drop-down) > Alarms. Click the Add alarm button in the ...