De-linking induction key from a single contact mobile account (no email address)

De-linking induction key from a single contact mobile account (no email address)

There are occasions when an induction key has been linked to an incorrect MyRapid account or is required to be linked elsewhere. An induction key may need to be linked to another account in order to merge profiles, ensuring a user has one MyRapid account.

In these cases, we can de-link an induction key from a specified account provided various requirements are met. 

If your induction key is linked solely to a mobile number, please send an email with the following information: 

  1. The induction key/s you wish to be de-linked. 
  2. Confirmation of the full mobile number
  3. Written approval for the de-linking of your induction key. 
  4. Your full name, included in your email signature, for verification purposes. 

Once this information has been received, we will endeavour to remove the induction key from its existing account. You may then use it to create a new account or link it to an alternate account.