👩‍💼 How to add a new client administrator

👩‍💼 How to add a new client administrator

➕👨‍💼 If you would like to add an administrator to your company's package, please refer to the instructions below. 

Step 1: 

  1. Log in to your MyRapid account using this link: https://my.rapidglobal.com/account/logon
  2. Enter the email address or mobile linked to your MyRapid account and select 'Login'.
  3. Enter the password previously created. Should you have forgotten this, select 'Forgot/reset password'

Step 2: 

Sign in as an 'Admin':

Step 3:

Select Rapid Induct:

Step 4: 

Select 'Settings'. Next, select 'Add New Admin' and enter the details of the new administrator, as per the prompts. 

Step 5: 

Select 'Roles' and then select 'Add Administrators' against the role that you would like the administrator to be assigned. Find the administrator's name, tick the box, then Save all changes. 

Step 6: 

To view and edit the specific permissions of an Admin role, select the 'Settings' cog. 

Navigate through the various product tabs to view and/or edit specific permissions. This will be helpful when deciding which role to assign a particular administrator. 

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